pp108 : Configuring HTTP connector

Configuring HTTP connector

This topic describes the procedure to configure HTTP connector.

To configure HTTP connector:

After installing the HTTP connector CAP, you must create a new service group and service container.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click  (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.
  2. Click Show  All Service groups in toolbar. Service Groups App Palette is displayed.
  3. Click  in the Service Groups App Palette. The New Service Group wizard appears.
  4. Select the HTTP Connector application connector.
  5. Select a Web Service Interface
    Note: The wizard does not continue if you do not select at least one of the Web service interfaces.
  6. Provide the following details for configuring the HTTP Connector:



Configuration File Path

Path to the configuration file in the XML store. This path is is relative to OpenText/HttpConnector in xmlstore. This is normally deployed as part of the application CAP and use HTTP Connection Manager in the CUSP task to modify the configuration details.


Host name of the proxy server to be used. This is optional and required only when request needs to go through proxy.


Port of the proxy server to be used. This is optional.


Username to authenticate at proxy server. This is optional.


Password to use for authentication at proxy server. This is optional.

Managing HTTP connections

When an application that uses services of the type HTTP is deployed, configuration and connection details required by the application is deployed in the XML store under OpenText/HttpConnector path and the configuration file path is stored in the HTTP service container and connector configuration. In many scenarios, these configurations requires modifications, like change in the authentication details.

To modify the connection configurations:

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click HTTP Connection Manager
    Note: You must have Administrator role to perform this task.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the corresponding HTTP service group to be modified. 
    Note: Ensure that the service containers are started.
  3. All the connections available in the configuration are listed.

The following details are displayed:




Name of the connection. This is read only.

Description Description about the connection. This is optional.


Server endpoint URL. It can include a part or the complete URL of the service endpoint.


Username used for authentication at the service endpoint. This is optional.


Password used for authentication at the service endpoint. This is optional.

Authenticate Always

Always sends the authentication information, also known as Preemptive Authentication. This is optional and the default value is false.

Check Certificate

Used with HTTPS connections only. It can be used as an option to check the SSL certificate. In a test environment, you can choose to ignore any errors while validating the SSL certificate. When it is set to false, this means accept any certificate either valid or invalid, expired, or not expired. This is optional and the default value is false.

Use Proxy Contains the HTTP connector configuration has proxy details. This option is selected by default. If the proxy details in HTTP connector configuration has to be ignored, then clear the check box.

Note: For more information on web service implementation protocol using HTTP connector, see HTTP connector service contract.